This month has seen the launch of our new Intercall One series, which as part of our ongoing research and development has been trialled at various sites across the UK. One such site is Sutton Court Residential Home in Nottingham.
Sutton Court is part of the Ashmere group with three homes. Sutton Court was built in 1998 and accommodates 59 people over two floors. The original wired system had served them well but was starting to fail, spare parts were increasingly difficult to source and becoming costly, as were finding engineers with suitable knowledge to maintain the system.
They’d reached a tipping point where installing a new system became the more economic option. With Intercall 600 installed in their other homes, Adam Sharpe the Facilities Manager was keen to stay with a wired solution, persuaded by his trouble-free experiences of working with Intercall systems. Adam contacted Intercall initially asking about the Touch system and requested an online demo. During the demo, as Adam explained his needs, it became clear that Sutton Court was an obvious candidate to be a trial site for Intercall One. The fact that the existing cabling could be reused was also a massive positive for Adam and Sutton Court.
Intercall introduced a local installation partner to perform a site survey, who was equally as excited to be involved in the new product range.
Installation works began towards the end of August 2021 and were completed one week later. Initially, both the old and new systems had to be supported while the old system was gradually phased out. The installation company found the new Intercall One equipment easy to work with as well as providing a familiar level of excellence; the project involved installing 100 call points and nearly as many overdoor lights around the facility.
Staff at Sutton Court quickly adjusted to the new Intercall system, preferring the simple yet informative system operation. The overdoor lights provided a great visual to each room, clearly giving the status of the room while the Intercall One LCD displays were crystal clear to read and operate.
Facilities manager Adam is delighted to be one of the first UK trial sites, and Intercall is equally pleased with the outcome and the learnings taken from the project. It’s our continuous research, development and improvement that we feel sets Intercall apart with what we like to call considered innovation.